About Us

Established in: 1998
Company Location:1 A 1, Lakshminagar, Thondamuthur Road, Vadavalli, Bharathiar University (PO), Coimbatore - 641007,Tamilnadu, Republic of India.
Certificates: ISO 9001:2008 ABS ( American Bureau Of Shipping) Shell Petroleum Testing
- 6" Dewatering Pump
- 8" Dewatering Pump
- 12" DewateringPump
- 18" Dewatering Pump
- Submersible Pump
- Open Well DewateringPump
- Sewage Vacuum Pump
- Engine Spare Parts
(Kirloskar, Deutz, Lister, Petter) - Genset Engines
- Agro Engines
- Auto/Industrial Engines
- WellPoint Dewatering System
Brief Introduction:
Racors one among the leading special pump manufactures in India . The company was formed in 3rd quarter of 1998, supplying pumps and parts to the Onshore Land Draining (De-watering), Marine and Offshore Services market. From humble beginnings, the business has flourished into a Specialist Engineering Services company, with office and service locations spread throughout the globe.
In various aspects of Hydraulics; Pumps and Control Engineering, Racors offer a comprehensive service to the clients. By combining quality manufactured products into a value added solution to customer needs, Racors demonstrates how their integrator skills benefit to clients. Strategically located office and service centres allow Racors to understand customer requirements and effectively deliver solutions.

Our Mission
Our mission is to earn the trust and regard of customers by endeavoring to provide quality products and services based on superior technology and by fully respecting and protecting the privacy of personal and customer information. Our organizational principles are based on professionalism, mutual respect, discipline, commitment and innovation. It is dedicated to contributing to people-oriented infrastructures and global environment by drawing on world-leading technologies and synergy effects derived through our diverse operations.

Our Vision
Our vision is to maintain a leading position in every business we are involved in. We aim to continuously introduce better products and improved services that will enhance the standard of business dealings. This is achieved through the commitment and dedication of our team and the support of our suppliers. We endeavor to achieve mutual understanding with people around the world, working from global perspectives and respecting local cultures and customs. Contribute to the achievement of better living standards and the creation of societies that exist in harmony with global environment.